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特別適合敏感及成熟肌膚的溫和型泡沫潔面乳。 無皂配方可以溫和地去除化妝品、日常污垢和皮膚上的多餘油脂,其中含有的橙花、山胡椒和天竺葵成份可平衡油脂, 令你擺脫洗面後的「乾爭爭」感覺。



Neutral and foamless face cleanser for sensitive skin. Foamless formulation removes make up and daily dirt effectively but not excessively. Moisture and natural grease is retained on the face. Orange blossom, Hazelwitch extracts with coconut oil in the formula help brighten up and soothing skin every day. It makes face washing become a leisure.

Botany Aroma:Balancing Creme Cleanser 100g 平衡潔面乳

庫存單位: 12
  • 把一個五元硬幣大小的潔面乳份量塗抹在指尖及手部上,然後在乾面及頸部上輕輕按摩一至兩分鐘,請避開眼部區域,之後用水徹底沖洗並用軟布擦乾,即可去除彩妝或日常污垢和油脂。

    Place a coin size amount of cleanser on the hand. Rub it gently all over the face for 1 to 2 minutes. Avoid eye area. Rinse with warm water afterwards.

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